Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 2, 2012

TEFL Articles

TEFL Articles TEFL Articles
A selection of articles and essays related to the teaching of English as a second or foreign language. Many of these were first published in the Inspire! magazine. If you wish, you can submit an article for possible publication.
Functional Language For IELTS Speaking
The most important language for all parts of the IELTS Speaking exam.
Activities For Ordinal Numbers
Stimulating practice for “first”, “second”, “twenty third” etc.
Teaching Grammar In Business English Classes
Looking at the practicalities of bringing grammar into classes that are mainly about business communication.
Practice for modals of possibility/probability
Stimulating ways of practising must/may/might/could/can’t for speculation.
Classroom Activities For IELTS Reading
Easier, more fun, more challenging and more useful classroom tasks for IELTS Reading.
How To Teach Teleconferencing In English
A practical guide to helping students cope with this most challenging and most modern of skills.
What Your Students Need To Know About Thanking In English
Things to teach to students of all levels about the most important kind of politeness.
Thanking Activities
Entertaining ways to practise expressing gratitude.
Planning And Paragraphing Activities
Stimulating ways of quickly improving your students’ vital writing skills of planning and paragraphing.
What Your Students Need To Know About BULATS Writing Part One
How students can boost their score in the first part of the BULATS Writing exam.
Guessing Games For Third Person S
Fun practice for one of the most common mistakes in English, including ideas useable with levels from False Beginner.
What Your Students Need To Know About Emailing
Things you need to cover to really teach the vital skill of emailing in English.
Names In The English Language Classroom
Issues associated with the use of student and teacher names in class.
Teaching Names
Practical tips on bringing up the topic of names in the ESL classroom.
Typical Problems Pronouncing the Alphabet
A summary of problems different students have with saying and recognising the English alphabet, including in connected speech
Minimal Pairs
Minimal pairs are underexploited. This article looks at how teachers can teach pronunciation with minimal pairs, with some specific ideas for classroom use.
Homophones in the EFL Class
Reasons to use homophones in teaching English and lots of ways to do so
Dealing with dominating students
Activities and classroom dynamic techniques for coping with students who take over
Politically correct language in the EFL classroom
Suggestions for bringing the topic of political correctness into class in interesting ways, and for dealing with PC issues when they come up naturally
Gender in the language classroom
Classroom issues connected to gender and interesting ways of using that topic in classes of various ages
Presenting Vocabulary in YL Classes
Be creative. Be appealing. Be quick. To make sure your students will remember all the new words you taught them, be fun and have fun as well!
Ideas on Classroom Management in YL Classes
Tips to make your Young Learner classes work like magic
Cool Corporate English Consciousness
Giving your corporate classes the best approach
Two Gateways for Teachers of English
Review of and
Word Up Review by Alex Case
The biggest hit in our school this year
A Tip for the Possessive Apostrophe
Apostrophes need not be learning catastrophes
School Administration Software for Smaller Language Schools
Provides school owners and administrators of smaller language schools with background information on school administration software
Operation MathLog - a progress report
An internet-based EFL maze for logical-mathematical learners
Guide to Teaching EFL in France
An EFL teacher shares her experience of teaching in central France
Our House
Suggestions for a text-based CALL lesson
Hands off that e-dictionary!
The (few) merits and (many) disadvantages of e-dictionaries from the author's point of view
Lexis - the new grammar?
How new materials are finally challenging established course book conventions
Marketing Your Language Program 101
The basics to successful promotion of your courses
A Student Like Me
Suggestions for those who aspire to re-enter the classroom to get a degree
Coursebook: Take it or leave it
We do not have to dispense with the textbook. We only have to disabuse ourselves of the tendency to take a coursebook as gospel.
Intellect or Affect?
Intellect or affect? one may ask. Certainly both. We should not view them as two forces vying with each other, but as the ends of a continuum that is called self-awareness and spiritual elevation.
Classroom: Forum or Arena?
A look at some of the factors that play an important role in the teaching-learning situation.
SAC Shock!!
Tips for self access centres
Cutting Out Cutting Up
Tips for lesson plans
How Was the Dip?
A personal reflection on the DELTA
Language and Sex
Why can't a woman be more like a man?
Accommodation Theory
Each one of us is aware that our style of speech changes in the twinkling of an eye, as it were, depending on a wide range of variables...
An Introduction to "Befogging" Idioms
Do idioms really call the shots?

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